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How to migrate GitHub issues to Jira

A tutorial shows you how to write a script to migrate GitHub issues to Jira.

How to setup Github Blog via Pelican

There are many ways to setup a Github blog, but since I love Python I think it makes sense to use Pelican, which is a Static Site Generator, Powered by Python.

Set up environment

  1. Create a blog directory for all blog content and styles: mkdir <blogname>
  2. Go into the blog …

Updating an old site to Python 3.*, Django 2.*, Wagtail 2.*

0. Useful Links

Pipenv Tutorial - the official package control for python

Why use Pipenv:

  • Pipenv is essentially a combination of pip and virtualenv (i.e. makes virtual environment), but with better version control
  • It solves the version conflict for packages and sub-dependencies
  • It could automatically install the latest package/dependency that meet all the requirements
  • It is the new STANDARD for …

Work with timezone effectively

A tutorial shows you how to work with timezone in python.

Setup Virtualenv for Any Project

  • Virtualenv is a very handy tool for creating separate virtual environments for python projects.
  • It is essential and probably mandatory in many cases to use Virtualenv or Virtualenv-like tools (i.e. Anaconda, Pipenv) to run a python project.
  • In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a virtualenv for …

Install pdftk on unbuntu 18.04

PDFTK is a very handy package that handles PDFs. It could open and write to existing PDFs, and a lot of other great things. However, it is missing from the Ubuntu 18 and is very tricky to install on Ubuntu 18 (but works nice and smoothly on Ubuntu 16). This …

The ultimate guide to setup multiple Python environment with Anaconda and Sublime Text

The need for setting up a virtual executing environment of Python has a lot of advantages and has been widely discussed over internet. Here I have a tutorial for setting up multiple environment with Anaconda and Sublime Text.

  • The reason I choose Anaconda over Virtualenv is because Anaconda is widely …